Online ad campaign
This online ad campaign resulted 16.5 million impressions in the first three months and helped SNHU experience their highest number of campus visits in its history. The campaign included website banners ads, Pandora audio ads, as well as Hulu video spots among others.

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Out-of-home Advertising
The campaign also included out-of-home advertising, like this one, which were displayed throughout the New England region at key highway interchanges. It was meant to reinforce the fact that SNHU does indeed have a physical campus.

Online ads
The initial online advertising campaign drove click-throughs to the SNHU Campus Visit page.

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Accept Box
All accepted on-campus students are mailed a custom box containing various items to welcome them to campus - an SNHU Banner, a USB drive with useful information and forms, and more - complete with confetti. Students are encouraged to share the opening of their box on social media with the hashtag #snhubound.

Campus Life Booklet
Booklet designed for the Office of Residence Life at Southern New Hampshire University. Measuring 8" square, this booklet is distributed to prospective students that have expressed interest in living on campus. The imagery and tone of the piece give the prospect a feel for the unique welcoming environment students will experience on campus as well as showcase the wide variety of living options available.

Campus Life Booklet